"So then as we have the opportunity, let us do good to everyone". Gal. 6:10 A Strong Hand to Many Strong Life Ministries has been pressing into summer with full force this June. We have filled an unprecedented number of gas vouchers from referring agencies in the community, packed food boxes to help with the overflow of hunger in our area, paid copays on medications, and grown in grace to keep loving those in greatest need. We continue to grow with our structure as we just finished extending and painting our parking lot. This added over 15 spaces for people to park and provided a shaded area for those living in their cars to come rest during the daytime hours. Thankful for Growth
Summer Jam has started. This past Friday was wonderful with over 35 in attendance and we are just getting started! Every Friday this summer our friend James, a retired veteran will be setting up under the pavilion to sing contemporary Christian music to our folks and help us refocus from the long summer weeks. At Strong Life Men's program, we have 2 men close to graduating and would ask you to pray for them to finish well as they both have found options for permanent housing they are trying to solidify to move forward and graduate! We are so incredibly thankful for our support in the community. Twice this past month we have nearly run out of supplies and before we could even post the items we were lacking, truckloads were at our bay with the exact things we needed. We can attest to God’s provision through His people! We are looking for help this July 4th and 5th to serve lunch for our friends in need. If you or a group is interested in providing or coming to serve, please contact us by replying to this email or [email protected]. Comments are closed.